Kansas City Southern Releases “For the Long Haul” Sustainability Report, 2021 Sustainability Data Update

21 julio 2022

Kansas City, Mo., July 21, 2022. Kansas City Southern (KCS) has released a 2021 sustainability data update to its sustainability report, “For the Long Haul: Delivering Prosperity, Valuing People, Protecting the Planet.” The report is available in the Sustainability Report section of www.kcsouthern.com.

“In 2021, KCS continued our sustainability journey by refreshing our materiality assessment and making meaningful progress towards our carbon reductions goals,” said KCS president and CEO Patrick J. Ottensmeyer. “We are proud to share 2021 updates to our sustainability report, which demonstrate our focus on safety, environmentally responsible operations and employee engagement.”

2021 Sustainability Data Update Highlights:

  • KCS greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets were approved by the Science-Based Target initiative. In 2021, KCS established targets committing to reducing its scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per million gross ton-miles at least 42 percent by 2034, from a 2019 base year.
  • KCS improved its reportable injury frequency rate, finishing the year with a six percent reduction from 2020.
  • KCS engaged key stakeholders across our value chain, refreshing our materiality assessment to enhance our sustainability commitments.
  • KCS improved its CDP climate change disclosure score to an A-, landing a spot in the Leadership Level category.

KCS’ sustainability report and 2021 sustainability data update follow the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) latest standards for disclosing governance, economic, social, and environmental topics and is in alignment with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) frameworks. These standards provide for the disclosure of measurable data and specific information related to sustainability.

Headquartered in Kansas City, Mo., KCS is a transportation holding company that has railroad investments in the U.S., Mexico and Panama. Its primary U.S. holding is The Kansas City Southern Railway Company, serving the central and south-central U.S. Its international holdings include Kansas City Southern de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., serving northeastern and central Mexico and the port cities of Lázaro Cárdenas, Tampico and Veracruz, and a 50 percent interest in Panama Canal Railway Company, providing ocean-to-ocean freight and passenger service along the Panama Canal. KCS' North American rail holdings and strategic alliances with other North American rail partners are primary components of a unique railway system, linking the commercial and industrial centers of the U.S., Mexico and Canada. More information about KCS can be found at www.kcsouthern.com.

Contact: C. Doniele Carlson, 816-983-1372