The Declaration of Higher Value is a written request to Kansas City Southern de Mexico for additional cargo liability coverage in the event that the cargo is lost or damaged during rail transportation. All fields must be completed before submitting this request.
Shipper Name: Enter the name of the shipper as it will appear on the Rail Billing.
Date Coverage Will Begin: Enter the date of the first shipment to be covered at the higher value.
Coverage Period: Enter the date that coverage at the higher value will end.
STCC: Enter the 7 digit Standard Transportation Commodity Code.
Product Name: Enter the name of the cargo to be shipped.
Origin: Enter the city and state where the shipment will originate with the railroad.
Destination: Enter the city and state where the railroad will deliver the shipment.
Value Declared: Enter the amount declared in Dollars or Mexican pesos per Railcar.
Company Name: Enter the party who will pay for the cost of additional coverage.
Billing Address: The address where invoices for additional coverage should be sent.
RFC: Mexican Tax ID = Registro Federal de Contribuyentes.
Contact Name: Enter the name of the party that may be contacted regarding invoices for additional coverage.
Telephone Number: Enter the phone number of the party that may be contacted regarding invoices for additional coverage.
Email Address: Enter the email address of the party that may be contacted regarding invoices for additional coverage.
Remember to sign, date and provide the title of the party signing this request. When completed, send the form to or send Fax
Dialing from Mexico: 81-8305-7900 ext. 7033 – Dialing from the US: 888-812-9512 ext. 7033